What's New
01/23/2025 - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes from October 2024
01/23/2025 - Newly Accredited Agencies
At the Regular Quarterly Commission Meeting on January 23, 2025, the commission approved the following agencies for accreditation:
- Ambridge Borough Police Department (Beaver)
- Bushkill Township Police Department (Northampton)
- Canonsburg Borough Police Department (Washington)
- Strasburg Borough Police Department (Lancaster)
- Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority Police Department (Dauphin)
- Tinicum Township Police Department (Delaware)
- Whitehall Borough Police Department (Allegheny)
- Wright Township Police Department (Luzerne)
01/23/2025 - Premier Status Agencies
At the Regular Quarterly Commission Meeting on January 23, 2025, the commission granted the following agencies Premier Status for 2025-2028:
- Colonial Regional Police Department (Northampton)
- Lower Providence Township Police Department (Montgomery)
- Swatara Township Police Department (Dauphin)
02/20/2025 - Newly Enrolled Agencies
The following are police departments that have recently enrolled in the PLEAC accreditation program:
- Penn State University Police and Public Safety (Centre)
- Pennridge Regional Police Department (Bucks)
- Salisbury Township Police Department (Lehigh)
- Swarthmore Borough Police Department (Delaware)
- Swissvale Borough Police Department (Allegheny)
- West Homestead Borough Police Department (Allegheny)
PLEAC Conference Registration for the 20th Annual PLEAC Conference is now open. Click here to register. You can use the PCPA Event App as a resource for conference information. Below are QR codes to download the app. Click here for instructions on how to login to the app.
 QR code for Apple QR code for Samsung