The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association has several tiers of membership for you to stay involved and connected with your peers. Please view Article IV, Membership, of the Association’s By-Laws for specific membership eligibility requirements. Go to PCPA By-Laws, Article IV - Membership. Annual Membership FeesCLICK HERE TO SEE HOW TO PAY YOUR ANNUAL DUES One Time Initiation Fee $100.00
Active Member $150.00
Affiliate Member $150.00
Associate Member $25.00 * no initiation fee is required.
Bulletin Magazine, 4 issues $30.00
NOTE: Membership is non-transferable. When your agency replaces the member, the person in the new position must apply for Membership and be approved by the Executive Board.
Active Membership Affiliate Membership Associate Membership Active Life Membership Logging in to the website: Your username is your full email address. If you do not remember your password, this can be reset at the login screen. Don't forget to update your membership profile if you retire or switch agencies.
Membership dues cannot be paid over the phone. Dues and other invoices can be paid online or with check. Login and follow the arrows in the image here: ![]() *All fields must be completed, including REGION. [IE: Northeast, Southeast, Central or West], County, & Recommending Member. All questions must be answered correctly on the application or your membership application will not be submitted for review.
If you have questions about membership, your membership dues, or received an error message that your membership is past due,
please contact PCPA Administrative Assistant at 717-236-1059 x106