Recruiting and Retainment Resources
Testing and Consulting Struggling to recruit? Check out these: 5 police recruitment videos on Police1 Mentoring today’s candidates for the police officer position, may be the positive difference in finding the best recruits for tomorrow. Listen to this “Police 1”, 20 minute podcast as they interview a Rochester (NY) PD officer as to what worked for them. Dolan Hiring The Military Model.pdf Recruiting Quality Candidates CPD.pdf The State of Recruitment Abrev IACP October 2020 Recruiting Strategies and Police Hiring: Finding the right people for your hiring needs has never been easy. Now, it’s even more difficult. Click on this link to see a story of how Topeka Kansas Police are using some innovative ideas to better their odds of finding future employees: Kansas police credit new strategies with recruiting success The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association provides a variety of employment services. See our testing and advertisement options under “Programs & Services” or contact us at: [email protected] or at 717.236.1059 x 106. |