Central Booking

Booking Centers and PCPA Members,

The combined full hand live scan and CPIN mugshot unit has been installed at all booking centers throughout the state. This all-in-one unit eliminates the need for two separate cabinets, saving booking room space, and provides significant costs saving in the purchase price as well as future maintenance costs.

In addition to the cost savings on the central booking equipment purchases and maintenance, the Central Booking program also provides consultation, on site surveys, user group meetings, and training, all at no cost, to any non state agency in Pennsylvania. This covers anything related to establishing and maintaining a central booking site.

You must be able to make payment to the The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association by the end of January each year to be on the maintenance program.

Contact Jerry Miller, Offender ID Technology Coordinator, at PCPA Headquarters at phone 717-236-1059 x 104 or email: [email protected] to apply for these programs or to request information on anything related to central booking.

PCPA is a non-profit organization and makes no profit from these programs.